Favorite Shipper Couples
All 'shippers have their favorite couples. We are always finding new series and new couples to root for. These are our current favorites. If you have a favorite couple you'd like to see at Shipper Haven, contact us at
ShipperHaven@50megs.com.Sci-Fi Sweethearts
These couples travel together through time and space.
William Riker & Deanna Troi |
Crime Fighting Couples
Watch out bad guys. When these couples show up your days are numbered.
Jonathan & Jennifer Hart |
Fox Mulder & Dana Scully |
Okay, we know that Mulder & Scully and Nick & Natalie technically could fit in with the Sci-Fi Sweethearts, but since they don't travel to other worlds, we decided to put them in with the Crime Fighters. For more shipper couples click
here.Do you want your favorite couple to be Shipper Couple of the Month? Click
here for more information.Comments, questions?
E-mail us.Disclaimer: This fan site is intended only for the enjoyment of fans and no infringement is meant to any of the individuals involved in the production of these series.