And the Winners are........
From the Shipper Haven Shippy Poll at
Media West Con 2000
Top 15 vote getters-and as you can see there were several ties.
1. Mulder and Scully- The X Files
2. Scully and Skinner - The X Files
3. Remington and Laura- Remington Steele
3. Picard and Crusher- Star Trek: The Next Generation
3. Jarod and Miss Parker- The Pretender
4. Lee and Amanda- Scarecrow and Mrs. King
4. Samantha and Jack- Stargate SG-1
4. Willow and Oz- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
4. Kira and Odo- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
4. Angel and Buffy- Buffy the Vampire Slayer & Angel
4. Julia and Alonzo- Earth 2
4. Vincent and Catherine- Beauty and the Beast
5. Nick and Natalie- Forever Knight
5. Buffy and Giles- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
5. Duncan and Tessa- Highlander
5. Marcus and Susan- Babylon 5
We had lots of write ins- but my favorite was- Darren & Samantha from Bewitched. So they get an honorable mention. Thanks to everyone who participated! Stop by & visit us at MediaWest*Con 2001- who knows what we'll have on our shipper minds then.