Other Shipper Couples
These couples are favorites of some our visitors to Shipper Haven. If you have a favorite couple you'd like to see here let us know.
Dr. Daniel Jackson and Dr. Janet Frasier
Stargate SG-1
There are a growing number of Daniel and Janet shippers. They see a growing connection between these two doctors. As viewers of SG1 I can see where they are coming from. There is a nice little spark between theses two and Janet is awfully territorial where the good Dr. Jackson is concerned. Case in point, in Upgrades she didn't let "Tok'ra Barbie" anywhere near Daniel. There a list at Yahoo Groups dedicated to this couple along with an archive of Dan and Jan fics.
The West Wing
Sam Seaborn & Mallory O'Brien
As new viewers of TheWest Wing we can't really tell you much about this couple. Lucky for us a fellow shipper, Lisa, put together this information on Sam & Mallory:
Sam Seaborn is the Deputy Communications Director of the White House on "The West Wing" and Mallory O'Brien, who is destined to be with him, is the Chief of Staff's daughter, Mallory. Better known as Mal, she is a school teacher, very independent and strong in her views on education among other things. The reason that I see them as a shipper couple is that they have such a great chemistry. They tend to fight about many things, but in a playful way!
Seaquest DSV
Captain Nathan Bridger &
Dr. Kristin
This is another show we've never seen, but from what information we've gleaned from various sources, this couple was and still is very popular. There is at least one mailing list at Yahoo dedicated to this couple. We'd really appreciate it if one of you Nathan&Kristin shippers could contact us with some info on this couple.
Babylon 5
John Sheridan & Delenn
Delenn was the ambassador from Minbar, Sheridan a decorated hero of the Earth-Minbari war. Her people reviled him. He wasn't too keen on hers. Not exactly a match made in heaven. But somewhere along the line these two fell in love. And that love survived a war, the return of his "dead" wife, the betrayal of friends among other things. Together they forged an alliance between humans & Minbari. Their love truly conquered all.
If you have a couple you'd like to see here or anything to add on these couple, please email us at
ShipperHaven@50megs.com. Thanks!