Don't be Stupid
By Anna B
Author's Note: The premise here is that Voyager was able to keep the link with Starfleet long enough to send and receive more than one letter home. Written is response to a JetC15 challenge.
"Don't be stupid Kath." The words jumped off the PADD. Kathryn Janeway sighed and shifted positions. Leave it to Bev to be so damned blunt. She picked up the PADD and continued to read. "I mean it, don't be as stupid as I am. I've spent years denying my feelings for Jean Luc and what did it get me? Nothing but a lot of frustration. (And for the record old friend, we still aren't together.) I looked up your Commander and I can't believe you would even consider letting that go! Have you even looked at the man!?"
Kathryn could almost see her friend throwing her hands up in despair. Was Bev right was she being stupid? If anyone knew the pitfalls of falling in love with a fellow officer it was Bev. First Jack and then Jean Luc. She grimaced at the last line. Of course she was aware of how, face it Kath she thought, how damned sensual Chakotay was, after all she wasn't dead, but there had to be more. She picked up the PADD again. "I know what you're thinking Kath. There has to be more than a physical attraction. Okay I'll agree with that, but from your letter I get the feeling there is a whole more than a physical attraction between you and your commander Chakotay. I didn't just look at his picture you know, I read his file. I'd say despite outward appearances you have a lot in common. Oh I know you're true blue Starfleet and he's a rebel, but so are you, of a sort. Oh Kath, don't throw away your chance for happiness! They are few and far between. You are so far away from home, wouldn't it be nice to have someone to share your life with, someone who understands the demands of command?"
A sad smile appeared on Kathryn's face. Bev, she thought, you should be saying these things to Jean Luc Picard. But she was right, it was a long way home and it would be nice to have someone to share it with, but she was the Captain, she couldn't afford to let her personal needs get in the way of her command duties. Kathryn turned her attention back to the PADD. "And don't give that bull about command duties." Kathryn's smile turned into a grin. "Troi would tell you that mental health is as important to a Captain as physical health. Personal happiness is essential, if you're not happy, you'll brood about every little thing, and don't shake your head like that, you know I'm right. So Captain Kathryn Janeway, don't be stupid, take a chance on love, this time I think it's right. I've just about used my space, I miss you old friend, but I know that someday I'll get to greet you and your Commander Chakotay. Soon. Always your friend...Bev."
Kathryn dropped the PADD on the couch. Maybe Bev was right. She jumped as the door swished open. "You startled me!"
"Sorry, did you forget our date?"
Kathryn looked in those dark eyes and cursed the heat the leapt to her cheeks. "Date?"
Chakotay smiled, "To go over the crew assignments."
"Oh, that." She waved him over to the couch, "I almost did forget."
He picked up her discarded PADD and handed it to her. "What are you reading?"
Kathryn took the PADD in her hand and smiled up at her first officer, "Some very good advice."
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