Title: So This is Christmas
Author: Anna B.
annab@triton.netStatus: Done
Category: Challenge response
Rating: G maybe PG for language
Season/Sequel: None
Spoilers: None
Archive: SJ yes/ anyone else ask
Summary: SG-1 spends Christmas planetside
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction intended solely for entertainment,
no infringement in intended to MGM; Gekko or Double Secret Productions.
Copyright (c) Anna B. 1999
Authors Note: Okay, this is my answer to the 1999 Christmas Challenge. It is also the first Sam & Jack fic I've posted. The requirements were: a SJ kiss; a Christmas tree and an unanswered challenge. I choose the "Fight Challenge". I hope I fulfilled it.
Feedback is always appreciated.
So This is Christmas
It was Christmas Eve and the SG-1 team was sitting around a campfire on PQ1224KZ. They had intended to be home for Christmas, but problems with the Gate had stranded them. The delay had put them all in a bad mood, one of them more than the others.
"So this is Christmas," Teal'c observed, glancing at his teammates, "I do not see much joy here."
"No Teal'c this is not Christmas," snapped Sam, "Christmas is supposed to be spent with family and friends, no stranded on some god forsaken planet light years from Earth."
"Whoa, Carter, chill."
Sam whirled on her commanding officer, "Chill, excuse me sir, but did you just tell me to chill? Well maybe the holidays mean nothing to you, but I was really looking forward to seeing my brother and his family. Christmas is for families."
"Sam, I don't think the Jack meant-"
"Shut up Daniel, I know exactly what Jack meant. He thinks I am being irrational and emotional."
"I never said that."
"But that's what you meant isn't it Sir," she glowered at the men, "Oh look there goes Carter again, must be that time of the month."
"Is there some significance to the time of the month Samantha Carter?"
"Shut up Teal'c. I can't believe that none of you is upset that we are spending Christmas on this planet. We should be home with our families, getting ready for church services, doing the last minute shopping. But no, we had to go on this mission two days before Christmas, it was imperative the we check out this wasteland. And for what, not a damn thing that's what. Now why don't you three not so wise men decide who's taking the first watch. I'm going to bed." With that she stalked over and picked up her bed roll.
Daniel looked at the other two, "Man that is one wicked case of-"
"Don't say it Daniel, don't say it."
"Holiday blues, Jack, that is all I was going to say. What did you think I was going to say, PMS?"
Teal'c shook his head, "I do not understand. Samantha Carter was very excited about this Christmas before we left. Why is she now angry about it?"
"She's not angry about Christmas, Teal'c, she's angry about missing Christmas," explained Daniel.
"But does this Christmas not arrive no matter where you are? How can one miss it?"
"That's it!"
Daniel and Teal'c both turned and looked at O'Neill, "That's what?"
"Get up kids, we have a Christmas to put together."
Sam could hear the guys moving around by the fire and the low sounds of their voices. She squeezed her eyes shut and swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat. She knew she shouldn't have gone off on them like that, but she had really been looking forward it spending this holiday with her family. Family Christmases had been few and far between in the last few years. She supposed that the holidays didn't mean much to Daniel or Jack. Daniel had no family left and Jack never mentioned his. She sighed and rolled over staring up at the stars.
"Owww! Damn it."
"Shhh, you'll wake her up."
Jack glanced over to where Sam was curled up in her sleeping bag, "Come on Danny, Sam can sleep through Armageddon."
Daniel raised his eyebrows at him and grinned, "Oh yeah?"
"Get your mind out of the gutter."
"Oww, that hurt!" Daniel rubbed his arm and glared at Jack, "I didn't mean anything. Geez."
"Is this the correct placement for the tree O'Neill?"
Daniel and Jack turned as Teal'c stood there holding a tree was that fairly similar to a fir tree.
"Perfect, let's get it in up and decorated," said Jack as she walked toward him, "Danny help me with the stand."
"Decorate? What do you mean decorate?"
"Well," answered Danny, "it's a Earth custom, I believe it stared in the Germanic States-"
Jack smothered a grin as Daniel continued his lecture. He gaze strayed toward the sleeping figure some 50 feet away. He really did feel bad about her missing her family Christmas. She's been so excited about it. There had been a time when he had felt like that about Christmas, it seemed like a lifetime ago. But this year, Sam's enthusiasm had spread even to him and he had found himself anticipating the season. Hell, he'd even gone as far as buying a Christmas tree for the first time since Charlie's death.
"It looks, uh great guys really great." Daniel leaned his head from side to side, "Different, but great."
"Not bad. Considering we didn't have much to work with, it could do with some presents under it too."
"Christmas gifts, like birthday gifts, remember?"
"Of course I remember Daniel Jackson, you took me Christmas shopping not more that one day ago, but O'Neill did not say gifts."
"Gifts, presents, same thing. Okay, lets get some shut eye. I'll take first watch."
Sam swiped at whatever was tickling her face, "Go 'way," she mumbled wrapping the sleeping bag over her face.
"Wakey, wakey." Jack leaned over had tickled her nose with a blade of grass.
"Go 'way Jack. Not now, I'm tired."
"Must have been one heck of dream Carter."
Sam's eyes flew open and a blush crept over her cheeks, oh my god what did I just say, she thought as she slowly pulled the sleeping bag down and found herself looking into the smiling face of her commanding officer. "Uh, sir, sorry."
"No problem, I'll remember you aren't a morning kind of girl."
She sat up, brushing the hair from her eyes, "Do that sir and sir, I'm sorry about last night."
"Already forgotten. Are you ready for some chow," he asked as he held out his hand and helped her up.
Jack lead her over to the fire where Teal'c and Danny were standing side by side, Danny with a goofy grin on his face. Sam looked up at Jack with a puzzled look on her face. "What is going on?"
Danny grabbed Teal'c by the arm and pulled him aside, "Merry Christmas Sam!"
"Merry Christmas Samantha Carter."
Sam stood and gazed at the tree decorated with flowers and shells, her eyes shining with tears, "Oh. You guys," she rushed up and hugged first Danny and then Teal'c, "Merry Christmas."
"I was Jack's idea," Danny said as he kissed her on the cheek.
Sam turned back smiling as he walked over to them. "Oh sir, thank you."
O'Neill wrapped a arm around her shoulders, "You like?"
Sam leaned against him, "I like," she answered, "I guess I was wrong, I am spending Christmas with my family."
"Deck the halls with boughs of holly, fa la la la la-"
"What are boughs of holly Daniel Jackson?"
"Oh yeah, the geeky cousin and weird uncle."
"Tis the season to be jolly, fa la la la la la- come on Teal'c sing."
"What is fa la la la la-" asked Teal'c.
"And what does that make you sir?"
"The incredibly handsome friend of the family."
Sam's laugh filled the air as she smiled up at Jack, "Thank you for all of this sir." She reached up and kissed him on the cheek, "Merry Christmas Jack."
A tender smile on his face, Jack cupped her face in his hands and whispered, "Merry Christmas, Sam," before gently kissing her.
Happy Holidays everyone. Hope you liked it.
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