Title: Our Little Secret
Author: Anna B.
annab@triton.netStatus: Done
Category: Sam/Jack Humor/UST
Rating: G maybe PG for language
Season/Sequel: None
Spoilers: None
Archive: SJ yes/ anyone else ask
Summary: Jack stumbles on Sam's little secret
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction intended solely for entertainment,
no infringement in intended to MGM; Gekko or Double Secret Productions.
Copyright (c) Anna B. 1999
Our Little Secret
By Anna B.
Jack O'Neill heard the music as he climbed the stairs to Samantha Carter's apartment. I would have figured Carter for a rock and roller, he thought as he knocked at the door. The only answer was the strains of Deep Purple.
"Smoke on the water," Sam sang, "a fire la la la la." She stared dancing swinging her hips to the driving rhythms. Catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror, she smiled. I look absurd, she thought as she continued her dance.
As the final chords faded away, Jack lifted his hand to try another knock, but the sound was drowned out by the wails of Page and Plant. Led Zep, he was surprised, Carter was listening to Led Zep. He would have never imagined her as a Zep fan. He figured her for more of a soft rock kind of person.
As Carter danced her way through the living room a quick glance at the clock told her she had about five minutes left. "-gotta a whole lot of love," she warbled along with Robert Plant, closing her eyes and bobbing her head to the music.
Jack tried the doorknob. It wasn't locked, shame on her, he thought, she should know better. He hesitated wondering if he should go in. One thing was certain, she'd never hear him if knocked again. What the heck, she was probably cleaning the house or working out. He swung the door open and leaned his head in, "Carter?" Jimmy Page's guitar answered him, so he stepped inside.
Jack stood in at the door of the living room watching Carter sway back and forth to the music. More specifically he was watching her fanny sway. She had on little more than an oversized tee shirt. He was about to back out of the room when she turned around and gasped with a look of horror on her face.
"Sir, what the hell are you doing here?"
"You didn't answer your door so I just," Jack finally got a good look at the rest of her, "Carter what do you have in your hair?"
"Oh my god! I'll be right back," she gasped as she darted down the hallway.
Jack grinned as he watched her go, "Got any beer?"
"In the fridge," Sam yelled from the bathroom over the sound of running of water.
O'Neill wandered into the kitchen, after grabbing a cold one from the fridge, he looked around for a bottle opener. Leave it to Carter to buy some fancy expensive beer, he thought, without twist offs. Aha, there it is, on the counter. As he opened his beer he noticed the box on the counter. Picking it up, he smirked, "I always wondered about that," he muttered.
"What was that sir?"
He turned to see Carter standing in the doorway a towel turbaned on her head, her tee shirt slightly damp and gray sweats covering those gorgeous legs. Damn shame, he thought. "Uh, Carter, I thought you were a natural blonde," he teased waving the box of Lady Clairol at her.
Sam colored, damn it why did he choose today of all days to drop by? "I am, sir. It's just, well, uh, this time of the year, with no sun, you know, um," oh good, she thought I'm babbling. "Well I just use that to brighten it up."
He nodded trying to keep from laughing at her obvious embarrassment, "I'd ask for proof, but-". He took a long draw of his beer. "I supposed that would get me a red light."
"That would get you hurt, sir." She tempered her words with a slight smile.
Opps, he thought, guess I better change the subject. "I never figured you for a Led Zep fan Carter. Kind of surprises me."
"Is that a problem sir?"
"You liking Led Zep?"
"No, me surprising you," she smiled at him enjoying his consternation.
"Some surprises can be good ones."
"Yes, they can, can't they?"
God, there was that enigmatic smile again, Jack thought. What the hell is up with that? "Depends on the surprise, how many do you have?"
Sam tilted her head up at him, "I'll leave that up to you to find out Jack."
"I think I'm going to enjoy that." He moved a couple of steps closer, "When do we start?"
This conversation is getting dangerous, she thought. "I'll let you know," she replied. "So why did you stop by sir?"
Jack took a step back, back to sir huh? Oh well, one step forward, two steps back. "You weren't answering your phone or your pager. Probably couldn't hear them over Mr. Plant and friends, Danny wants to go to that karoke bar on fifth. You up for it?"
"Give me fifteen minutes?"
"Take all the time you need, I'll call Danny and tell him we'll meet him there."
Sam headed for her bedroom and then stopped, "Oh, sir, about the hair-"
"It'll be our little secret Carter, " he answered with a smile, "you can trust me."
She smiled at him, "Of course I do." She walked down the hallway, "Oh and sir, it really is natural."
The End
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