Disclaimer: Mulder and Scully belong to Ten Thirteen Productions and Chris Carter and everything. I just felt like taking them out for a spin.
by Anna Barber
The night was dark and silent. So dark Dana Scully couldn’t see her partner sitting beside her. It was an intimate feeling sitting in the darkness. Scully shifted position ‘Stop it!’ she thought, ‘He’s your partner’. She leaned her head back and closed.
"Scully?" Mulder’s voice came softly from the darkness, "Are you awake?"
"Uh huh." she murmured.
"I hate stake outs," he sighed, "especially at night, its boring."
‘Nothing is going to happen tonight. This case is a bust." Mulder squirmed trying to find a comfortable position for his long frame. "And this car is too small."
"Mmmm," was his partners answer.
"You’re asleep aren’t you?" accused Mulder, "How can you sleep?"
Scully opened her eyes, "It’s really very simple Mulder. Shut up and close your eyes."
"Very funny Scully," he harrumphed, "you know what I mean."
"Mulder," she sighed, "just shut up." She closed her eyes. Silence descended in the car. It was so quiet, thought Scully, unaturally quiet. She opened her eyes. "Mulder?"
"Ummm," was the reply.
"It’s too quiet."
"Shut up and go to sleep Scully."
She shook his shoulder. "Mulder! Wake up! I’m serious, it’s too quiet." Scully peered out into the darkness. "There is no sound. No owls, no crickets, nothing. Why?"
Mulder sat up straight, his partner was right. They were in the middle of the woods, in late summer. There should have been noise, lots of noise. He opened his door and felt Scully grab his arm.
"Where do you think you’re going?" she hissed.
"Out there," he tried to ignore the heat rising at the touch of her hand. ‘God Mulder’ he thought, ‘get a grip, she’s your partner.’ He gently removed her hand. "Don’t worry, I’m not going far."
"You’re not going without me." Scully swung her legs out of the car, dry leaves crackled beneath her feet. She reached out and groped for the car using it to guide her in the darkness. "Mulder?" She couldn’t see a thing.
"Right here, opps...sorry" He pulled back his hand.
"No problem." Scully grinned in the darkness. She found her partner’s hand and relaxed as his fingers clasped hers. They stood side by side fingers entwined. The only sound was their breathing.
"Ready?" inquired Mulder. His voice seemed unnaturally loud.
Scully swallowed and took a deep breath. "As I’ll ever be," she held tight to Mulders hand as they moved slowly forward. As they walked Scully glanced up. There was no moon or stars visable, only the canopy of the huge oak trees. She looked in vain for a sign of movement. The night birds should be flying, the noctural animals foraging for food. There was no sign of life other than Scully and her partner.
Mulder glanced over his shoulder and moved closer to Scully. "What’s wrong?" she whispered, glancing up.
Mulder shrugged, "It felt like someone was watching us."
Scully looked behind her, it was black as pitch. "How could you tell?"
"It was a feeling, a sense." he mumbled. "This place is creeping me out."
Scully smiled in the darkness. Spooky Mulder being creeped out. This was a new twist. "Mulder why are we here?"
Mulder sighed, "I told you, the locals said they see a light in these woods at every full moon."
"I wouldn’t mind a little light right now. It’s way too dark out here, let’s go back to the car." Scully shivered.
"Wait!" Mulder reached out for her,"Look!"
The moon suddenly appeared from behind the clouds bathing the area is a muted light. About 200 feet to the north a thin beam of light moved slowly through the woods.
"Mulder" sighed Scully, "it’s just a flashlight."
"Okay, maybe, but what is someone doing with a flashlight in the woods at this hour? They would have to be involved in something criminal."
"We’re out here at this hour, are we criminals? No. It could be two kids out, um, having fun."
Mulder smirked, "We are out here and are we, um, having fun? No!" Not that I’d mind having that kind of fun with her, he thought.
Scully choose to ignore that remark. She watched as the light moved closer to them. "So what do we do now hotshot?"
Mulder’s eye’s narrowed as he tried to see through the darkness. "Over there, there’s a cabin."
Scully tried to see where Mulder was pointing, but a cloud had obsurced the moon once more. "I can’t see it."
A odd smile played along Mulder’s lips. "Not all that unusual partner." He moved in the direction of the cabin.
"Very funny Mulder."
They made it to the cabin with only a few missteps. Mulder leaned against the door. It swung open. Scully moved from one foot to the other, feeling a bubble of nervousness swelling. There was something very odd about this case. Mulder had been very vague about the specifics. Something just wasn’t right! Before she could voice her concerns Mulder spoke up. "All clear, come on in Scully."
As Dana Scully stepped into the cabin the room exploded into light. Before she could react several figures leaped out at her. Scully looked back at her partner in disbelief. Mulder just smiled at her and shouted, "Surprise!"
Several hours later Dana Scully and Fox Mulder sat alone on the front porch of the cabin. The sun was rising over the trees. She leaned her head against her partner’s shoulder. "Thanks," she whispered, "it was a great party."
Mulder lay a gentle hand on her hair and smiled a crooked smile. "You’re welcome partner." He kissed her on the forehead, "Happy Birthday."
The End
Feedback to annab@triton.net
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