Title: Going to the Chapel
Author: Anna B
annab@triton.netStatus: Done
Category: Challenge Response
Rating: PG Season/Sequel: Set sometime during second season.
Spoilers: None
Archive: SJ yes/Heliopolis yes
Summary: SG1 does Vegas.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction intended solely for entertainment,
no infringement in intended to MGM; Gekko or Double Secret Productions.
Copyright (c) Anna B. 2000
Authors Note: Since I am the one who found the web site I guess I'll answer the challenge. :::grumble::: You are supposed to be working. G'way leave me alone I'll work later-who needs sleep? :::pushes conscience roughly aside::: Sorry about that my other personality surfaced for a minute there. You know the responsible one. Gotta get control of that. Any way here goes.
The 2000 Las Vegas Challenge.-Sam and Jack go to Las Vegas, get drunk, and *try* to get married.-Must be a theme wedding.-Must include an Elvis impersonator.-Daniel must try to stop them. Does he succeed?
Feedback is always appreciated.
Going to the Chapel
By Anna B.
"Viva Las Vegas, viva Las Vegas."
Sam opened her eyes and gave her commanding officer an evil look. "Could you please stop doing that?"
"Doing what?"
"I think its called singing," she snapped. Sam was out of sorts, how she wondered, did a quick beer turn into a road trip to Las Vegas of all places. When had she lost control of the situation and why in god's name did she let the Colonel goad her into going in the first place?
"Are you always this cranky when you wake up?"
"Only when I wake up crammed in a jeep with someone who not only sings off key, is hogging the entire back seat."
"I'll keep that in mind," Jack answered as he scrunched up against the side of the car. "Better?"
Sam sighed, "No- ow." She rubbed her head where it had hit the roof. "Hey Daniel take it easy will you."
Daniel's face appeared between the two front seats, "What?"
"Who's driving?"
"Why is he driving my jeep," Jack leaned forward and peered around the edge of the seat. "Hey Teal'c, everything okay up there?"
"Yes it is. I am sorry SamanthaCarter I did not see the rock in the road."
Sam leaned back, "That's okay Teal'c, I'll live. How much longer guys."
Daniel glanced at his watch, "We've been on the road for, oh, about five hours now and according to the map we've got, uh, um, a long way to go."
Great, thought Sam, just great, this is not how I planned to spend a long weekend. She closed her eyes and sighed again. Why do I let these clowns talk me into this stuff?
"Exactly how long is a long time Daniel?" Jack asked pushing Sam's head forward and rubbing the back of her neck, "Relax, Carter," he whispered, "this is supposed to be fun."
"Well, er right, the computer printout says it's eleven hours and forty minutes to Vegas from Cheyenne Mountain, so we got about six hours left."
"I think we need a rest stop. Then I'll take over driving and you and Teal'c can catch some sleep." Jack continued massaging Sam's shoulders, "Sam can take shot gun. Okay with you?"
"Mmm. What ever you say, just as long as you don't stop," she murmured with a smile.
Sam looked over at Jack and nodded, "In some ways." It had taken another hour but they'd finally found a roadside diner and after a pit stop and some food, they were back on the road. Jack was driving and Sam was in the passenger seat, with Daniel and Teal'c wedged in the back seat asleep. "More room," she answered, "but on the other hand you stopped."
"I thought it was best if I kept my hands on the steering wheel."
"Okay, you're forgiven, this time," she said as she propped her feet on the dashboard.
"Very. Why?"
Jack let his gaze wander over her legs, "Oh, no reason." Other than fact that I may go into cardiac arrest, he thought.
"Eyes on the road soldier."
"Yes, ma'am," Jack snapped a salute.
Silence descended on the pair and Sam leaned her head against the window watching the headlights play over the distance. When she opened her eyes the sun was up. "God, how long was I asleep?"
Jack glanced at her, "Welcome back sleeping beauty. You were only out for a couple of hours."
"You mean we're not there yet?"
"Another hour or so. So have you ever been to Vegas?"
"Me? No." she stretched her arms about her head, not unaware of effect the movement was having on the driver, "Well, I tried once, but didn't we quite make it."
Jack swallowed trying to ignore the way her tee shirt was clinging to her, "We?" He croaked and then cleared his throat, "Who was we?"
"Uh, four of us decided to drive there when I was about sixteen. Dad went ballistic when he found out."
"I'll bet, how far did you get?"
"All the way to Henderson, only to be met by the Air Police. Scared the hell out of me too."
"So what did your dad do to you when you got home?"
Sam smiled, "Well, technically I'm still grounded."
Jack laughed, "Guess that means we can't go out Saturday night. So was there a purpose to the ill fated road trip."
"Kathy and Jerry wanted to get married."
"Whoa! And your part in all this?"
"I was along for the ride, my boyfriend was the only one with the car." She grinned at him, "Bet you can guess what my dad thought I was doing."
"Oh yeah. It never crossed your mind? Eloping I mean."
"Me?" she yelped, "god no, although Doug mentioned it once or twice on the way. He wasn't serious, just horny."
"And you were a good girl," he teased.
"I still am," she said with a sly smile, "very good."
Jack glanced over at her, "I'll bet," he murmured as he turned his attention back to the road.
"This is sooo cool," Daniel tipped back and looked up at the façade of the Stratosphere Hotel. "Wow."
"So why," asked Sam, "did you book us in the Luxor? A hotel based on Egyptian culture?"
"With a nightclub called the Ra, for crying out loud," chimed in Jack his eyes hidden behind sunglasses. Damn, he thought, it's hot here. Or is it hot here because Carter is wearing that dress. Which, if anyone had asked him, was too short, too tight and just too everything. He glowered as a young Elvis wannabe walking by gave her an appreciative glance.
"I thought it would be fun, you know, to stay in a pyramid." Daniel said, "don't you think it'll be fun."
"Oh yeah, a laugh riot, " Jack answered, "I'm overjoyed. I've stayed in one before remember Daniel?"
Teal'c who had been looking around in amazement spoke up, "DanielJackson, what is the purpose of this city?"
"To have fun, to party, to gamble."
"To get married by some freak dressed like Elvis," muttered Jack as another Elvis impersonator passed them staring at Carter's legs.
"What is gamble?"
Daniel smiled and grabbed the Jaffa by the arm and the foursome made their way into the darkened casino with Sam and Jack bringing up the rear. Jack pocketed his sunglasses and took Sam's hand. She glanced up at him surprised and pleased as they followed Daniel and Teal'c through the labyrinth of slot machines. The Jaffa's head was swiveling back and forth so fast Sam was certain he was going to give himself whiplash. His eyes were wide open with amazement and an almost childlike smile played around his mouth.
"What are these DanielJackson."
While Daniel attempted to explain slot machines to the Jaffa, Jack and Sam wandered through the casino. As they paused to watch the action at the blackjack table. Sam leaned back and whispered in Jack's ear, "Feeling lucky?"
"Depends on the game you have in mind Carter." He answered while wondering how he could tempt her off the straight and narrow. Get a grip, he chided himself, that is a dangerous thought. It could get your sorry butt kicked out of the Air Force. She's a General's daughter for crying out loud.
Sam turned and smiled up at him, you are treading in dangerous waters, she told herself. "Maybe I'll let you choose the game," she said moving close enough to him so they were almost touching. "But I warn, I play to win Colonel."
"Hey they you are!" They stepped away from each other as Daniel came bouncing up with Teal'c in tow. "What's up?"
"You don't want to know," Jack muttered under his breath.
"Not much Daniel," answered Sam with a quick smile at the Colonel, "we're just trying to decide what game to play."
"Yeah, well me and Teal'c are gonna play the slots," he slapped Teal'c on the shoulder, "aren't we pal?"
"As you say DanielJackson."
Jack leaned over and sniffed Daniel's breath, "Have you been drinking?"
"No. I'm just having fun. Geez Jack, lighten up."
Sam smothered a giggle as Teal'c stepped forward, "Yes. Lighten up JackO'Neill," he intoned, and Sam lost it. Jack looked from her as she laughed at the two men standing there grinning like a couple of idiots.
"Are you sure you haven't been drinking?"
"Alcohol does not effect me." The Jaffa answered arching his eyebrow.
"Good, now keep an eye on Daniel. Sam and I are going to," he glanced down at her as she struggled to regain her composure, "I don't know where we are going, but we'll meet you guy at Ra's in a few hours." With that he took Sam by the hand and the headed for the nearest exit.
Shopping, Jack leaned against a rack of brightly colored shirts as he waited for Sam to emerge from the dressing room. Shopping was not exactly what he'd had in mind. He glanced down at the bags that littered the floor at his feet. She'd bought a whole new wardrobe, he thought, hell she'd even managed to talk him into buying a new suit. Why he needed a new suit was beyond him, but she insisted the one he owned was out of date. Besides, if it had meant she'd smile at him like she had when he came out of the dressing room, hell, he'd buy ten suits.
Sam's voice brought him out of his musing, she was standing there wrapped in soft blue something, he had no idea what, that was clinging to every curve. "Wow, you look," he paused searching for the right word, "amazing."
Sam smiled, "Thanks," she stepped over to the full length mirror and turned checking her image, "I think this is the one."
"Oh yeah," agreed Jack, "That is definitely the one." Now, how do I get it off her, he wondered.
"I'll be right back," she blew him a kiss as she walked back to the dressing room well aware she had an appreciative audience of one.
"Excuse me sir."
Jack tore his eyes away from Sam and turned to the saleswoman who had walked up behind him. "Yes?"
"I was just wondering if your wife needed any assistance."
"My what? Uh, no, she's decided on the blue one," he answered.
"Will she need any accessories to go with the dress?"
"Uh, I don't know, what exactly are you talking about?"
The saleswoman smiled her professional smile, "Purse, shoes, jewelry?"
Before Jack could answer Sam came out of the dressing room with her purchase draped over her arm, "Sam, honey," he said grinning at the surprise on her face at his use of the endearment, "do you need shoes or anything to go with that dress?"
She handed the dress to the saleswoman, "I suppose I should get some matching shoes, if you don't mind waiting for a little while longer, dear."
"Of course not," he said, "honey. I'll even help you pick some out." He wrapped his arm around her waist as they followed the saleswoman through the store.
Sam gave him a wary look, "This is sweet of you."
"Nothing is too good for you honey bunch," he said, "after all this is supposed to be fun right?"
An hour later as she strapped on the heels that he had talked her into buying she wondered again why she'd agreed to this trip. Standing up, she tried not to wobble as she walked over the mirror. Taking in her reflection, she had to admit that the high heels did make her legs look great and they did go extremely well with the dress. She smoothed the soft silk over her hip and picked up her purse just as she heard the knock on her door. Taking another quick glance in the mirror and running her fingers through her hair she opened the door to find Jack standing there looking gorgeous in his new suit.
Jack reached up and nervously tugged at his tie as Sam scrutinized him. Finally he found his voice, "Well, say something."
"You look very handsome," she said as she reached out and slapped his hand, "now stop fussing. Any sign of the terrible two?"
"They are in our room counting their loot," he answered, "they'll meet us at the nightclub." He grimaced, "Ra's nightclub."
Sam smiled, "You must admit there is a certain irony about Daniel's choice of hotel." She slipped her hand through his as they walked to the elevators.
"No I don't," he grumbled as he punched the elevator button.
Two hours and several beers later, Jack leaned his chin on his hand and smiled at Sam, "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?"
Sam turned her head to look at him, she'd had a few champagne cocktails herself, "Yeah, but don't let that stop you from saying it again. And might I add that you look incredibly sexy."
"You might."
"You look incredibly sexy tonight," she breathed as the waiter appeared at his elbow, "Another round please." The waiter glanced at Jack, who nodded and Sam leaned forward until her face was inches from him, "Wanna dance?"
Jack glanced over at the crowded dance floor and pushed himself away from the table, "Let's boogie," he said taking her hand and pulling her to her feet and leading her out to the dance floor just as the music changed to a slower pace. He wrapped on arm around her waist and pulled her against him, "You know I could get used to this."
Sam draped her arms around his neck, "What dancing?"
"Holding you in my arms."
Sam looked up at him and smiled, "It does feel pretty good," she whispered, "and I could get used to this myself."
Jack leaned down and softly brushed her lips with his and then pushed all thought of rules, regulations and the USAF from his mind as she returned the caress.
"Hey there you guys are."
Jack pulled back and glared at his friend who stood there with a sheepish
grin on his face, "Opps, sorry." Daniel's eyes darted from Sam to Jack and back again. "I didn't see a thing."
"Daniel," growled Jack, painfully aware the spell had been broken, "Have I ever told you that you have lousy timing?" Reluctantly he released his hold on Sam and they followed Daniel back to the booth where the impassive Teal'c sat ignoring the overtures from a young woman across the room.
"Making new friends Teal'c?" Jack asked as he settled in next to Sam.
"That woman is a brazen hussy, " he answered as Sam choked on her drink and Daniel almost dropped his.
"Brazen," he repeated, "and the fact I am married did not stop her advances. What is a g note DanielJackson?"
"A g note, are you sure she said a g note?" Jack could barely get the words out he was laughing so hard.
"No, I am not certain, I only know that for such a note she will take me around the world. Is it a reasonable cost for such a trip?"
By this time neither Jack or Sam was capable of speech. Finally Jack managed to put together a semi-coherent sentence, "Dan-dan-Daniel, you, te-tell him, we need some, air." With that her grabbed Sam's hand they ran out of the club collapsing with laughter as they stopped beside the pool.
"Oh my god," gasped Sam, "I think I pulled a muscle. The look on Daniel's face was priceless."
"Teal'c and the happy hooker," laughed Jack, "we probably shouldn't leave those two alone for very long."
"At that price I think the correct term is call girl."
"Would you and your wife like a drink from the bar?"
Jack looked to up to find a waitress standing in front of him. He glanced over at Sam, who shrugged, and then answered the girl, "A bottle of your finest champagne."
"Yes sir."
"I've never seen you drink champagne before." Sam said, as she brushed her windblown hair back and took a deep breath tilting her head back and gazing up at the stars.
Jack was mesmerized by the sight and barely noticed the waitress had set the bottle down at his side. Only when she stuck the check under his nose did her react, quickly signing the chit. "I know you like it and I figured what the hey, we're in Vegas, let's live a little." He handed her a glass. "You know she's the second person to think we were married."
"Really? That's weird." Sam sat up and held out her glass, "What do we drink to?"
Jack looked into her blue eyes and said, "To living a little, to taking a risk."
She nodded and took a drink, "Is this a risk? Being in Las Vegas with me?" She shivered a little.
She nodded, "A little." Like hell you are, she chided herself. Talk about brazen.
Come here," he said as he sat down in a lounge chair and helped her settle between his legs. Wrapping his arms around her he answered her question, "More than you know Sam."
She leaned back so her head was on his shoulder and looked up at him, "Feeling reckless Colonel?"
"Very, Captain," he whispered as he touched his lips to hers. They kissed for several minutes until a burst of laughter from across the way caused them to jump guiltily apart. "I keep expecting Daniel to show up," he said shakily as he finished his drink and poured himself another.
They sat wrapped in each others arms gazing at the stars, drinking champagne and occasionally speaking for some time until Jack asked, "Hey Sam, what 'bout you and me get married?"
Sam twisted in his arms, straddling him, "You just saying that cuz you wanna get lucky?"
"Well, now that you ask," he pulled her against him and kissed her. After several moments he released her, "Its not the only reason."
He looked at her carefully, "What did you say?"
"I said," she leaned down and kissed him hard, "okay, lets get married."
"Hey Teal'c, you seen Jack and Sam?"
The Jaffa barely looked up from the slot machine, "No not since they left the house of Ra. Perhaps they have gone to bed."
"That's what I'm afraid of," muttered Daniel as he glanced around the casino catching a glimpse of someone who looked like Jack standing outside a cab. "Come on Teal'c."
"But I am winning," protested the Jaffa as Daniel pulled him away from the slot machine, but he followed his friend through the crowded casino.
Daniel skidded to a stop near the hotel doorman, "Where did that couple just go", he gasped trying to catch his breath.
"The Wedding Chapel," the man answered.
"Damn! I need a cab, quick."
"Whatever," the doorman said as he flagged down a cab for Daniel and Teal'c.
Pushing the Jaffa in, Daniel crawled in beside him, "The Wedding Chapel. Fast."
The cabbie looked at the two men in the back seat, "Uh, there ain't one that does that kinda wedding pal."
"We are trying to stop a wedding, not have one," Daniel yelled, "geez, he's not even my type."
"Sorry, no offense meant, which one?"
"Which what?"
"Which wedding chapel? This is Vegas kid, there's dozen's of them." The cabbie eased the car into the traffic on Las Vegas Boulevard.
"I don't know, the door man said the wedding chapel. Start with the nearest one and we'll keep going until we find them."
They were standing outside the Viva Las Vegas chapel watching as a elderly couple were serenaded by an Elvis impersonator singing Love Me Tender. "Promise one thing," Jack said, "no Elvish."
Sam shook her head, "No Elvish, promise."
Once inside, they stood and looked at the list of wedding packages. "Wow," Jack pointed, "check out this one. I could do that."
Sam read the description, "Nope, no way am I gonna wear that, to hot, 'sides, everyone knows Gwen-what ever was unfaithful and I don't wanna jinx us."
Jack nodded solemnly, "Okay, which one do you like? It's your wedding, you decide."
"That one."
"Really," she put her arms around his neck and kissed him, "you said my choice. That one, they brought us together after all."
"If that's what you want, that's what you get," Jack took her hand and lead her into the chapel, "let's get hitched."
"Okay kid, here we are."
"Wait, Teal'c come with me." Daniel climbed wearily out of the cab, followed by the Jaffa who stopped and starred as a couple dressed entirely in black came out of the chapel followed by Count Dracula. "Come on Teal'c." Daniel ran up the steps to the chapel.
Sam looked up at the minister who was dressed as King Tut and bit her lip to stop from laughing. And looking at Jack was out of the question, she knew he was trying not to laugh as much as she was. It was absurd, from the bearers who had carried her down the aisle to the Hathor clones who were waving feather fans back and forth behind Jack's head. Surreal was a better word.
She started as Jack elbowed her and looked up at King Tut, "Um, I do?" She hoped that was the right answer, because she really hadn't been paying attention.
Tut smiled and turned to Jack, "Do you take this woman to be your wife, to love, honor and cherish her, forsaking all others until death do you part?"
Sam glanced over at Jack as he opened his mouth to answer, but the next voice she heard was Daniel's.
"No, he doesn't"
Jack turned and glared at his friend, "Shut up Daniel, just sit down and shut up." He turned back to Tut, "I do."
But Daniel ignored him as walked up the aisle, "Hold up, he said to Tut, before turning his attention to the couple. "What are you doing? Did you even consider the ramifications of this? Huh Jack did you?" He turned to Sam, "What about you Sam? Have you thought about this?"
"Go 'way Daniel, you're wrecking our wedding." She answered swaying a bit in the unfamiliar heels.
"For crying out loud, how much have you guys had to drink?" Daniel shook his head as Jack reached out to steady her. "You're drunk."
Sam shook her head. "No we're not. Just pleasantly buzzed, there's a difference you know."
King Tut leaned forward, "Listen, why don't you folks take this elsewhere. And tomorrow if you're sober I'll be more than happy to officiate at your wedding."
Daniel grabbed his friends by the wrists and dragged them down the aisle and into the waiting cab. Sam ended up sitting on Jack's lap during the long, silent ride back to the Luxor. Daniel paid off the cab driver and the quartet walked to the elevator.
Outside their rooms Jack finally broke the tense silence, "Sam, can I talk to you for a minute?" She nodded and Jack turned Daniel, "I give you my word Daniel, talking is all we are going to do."
Daniel nodded reluctantly and he and Teal'c went into their room. Sam turned and opened her room and Jack followed her in.
"Uh, Sam?"
"Just what the hell were we thinking with King Tut there?"
Sam looked up at him her blue eyes dancing with laughter, "Clearly we weren't. It was to much champagne and raging hormones that was doing our thinking."
"Booze and lust huh," he smiled at her, "is that all it was?"
She crossed the room and laid her hand gently on his cheek, "Fraid so, sir." And you Samantha Carter are a liar, she thought.
Jack covered her hand with his, "Damn shame, I think we'd be good together." He brought her hand to his lips pressing a gentle kiss on the palm.
"We are good together sir, we just can't be together."
"I know." But one day, he thought, I'll find a way around that, "Are we okay?"
Sam kissed him on the cheek, "Always okay." She watched him walk to the door and as he opened the door she said, "And sir?"
"Yeah Carter?"
"Don't hurt Daniel too much, he means well, even if he does have lousy timing."
Jack smiled at her, "I won't, Good night Sam." And he shut the door behind him.
The End
Okay so the ending is a bit of I don't know, sappy? It just wrote itself I swear. :)
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